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Where can you ride hoverboards: carpets and wet surfaces?

If you buy a quality hoverboard, you are investing in a robust and well made piece of kit, but you still need to follow some basic guidelines when it comes to caring for your hoverboard. Choosing where to ride it, can have a big impact on its performance. You also need to think about the type of hoverboard you purchase as different models are better suited to certain surfaces.

Can you ride hoverboards on carpet?

Yes, you can ride a hoverboard on carpet. It will feel different to riding on a smooth surface like asphalt though. If you have a thick pile carpet, it can make the hoverboard feel a bit slow. If you are thinking of riding your hoverboard indoors a lot, then it would be wise to consider a model with 6.5” wheels. This will give you the best manoeuvreability indoors and you can still use it outside on flat terrain. You should note also that riding on carpet will require more power, and this can deplete your battery quickly.

Can you ride hoverboards on wet ground?

It is best to avoid wet surfaces when riding a hoverboard, to avoid water getting into the motherboard and motor. If you do want to ride off road and can foresee that you might get caught out in the rain, choose a more rugged style of off road hoverboard with bigger wheels as the motor will be higher off the ground. However, hoverboards shouldn’t get wet as they are not waterproof – some however, have an IP54 rating, which means they are water resistant and can cope with conditions that would prove too much for most hoverboards.

Can you ride hoverboards uphill?

Smaller models with 8.5” wheels may struggle with steep hills, but all terrain hoverboards such as the Off Road Hummer and Black Vortex Camo 10" hoverboard have enough power to tackle steep inclines with ease.

Can you ride hoverboards on bumpy terrain?

An all-terrain hoverboard will make mincemeat of most terrain – especially if you have 10” solid rubber tyres. Solid tyres are tougher than air-filled tyres, although they do add weight to your board. They are also good at tackling sharp curves and bumpy surfaces.

Can you ride hoverboards on the beach?

You shouldn’t ride your hoverboard in water and if you have smaller wheels, don’t even think about riding your hoverboard on the beach. All-terrain models will cope with certain conditions – such as wet sand that isn’t likely to spray at the board or cause any water damage.

Can you ride hoverboards over grass?

You absolutely can ride a hoverboard on grass, but you’ll get a faster and smoother ride if you do so with a model that has all terrain wheels, such as the All Terrain Official Hoverboard. A model like this is built to withstand tougher riding conditions. It is possible to ride an 8.5” wheeled hoverboard over grass, but it is much better to invest in an all-terrain model if this is something you want to do on a regular basis.