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Are hoverboards waterproof?

Are hoverboards waterproof?

Hoverboards run on lithium-ion batteries and with three different wheel sizes available, you can ride them on range of surfaces, from your living room through to grass, sand and gravel, but the question everybody wants to know is - are hoverboards waterproof?

The answer is, that no, they are not 100% waterproof, but good models are water resistant and come with a rating of IP54. IP is a rating that indicates how water resistant an object is. A hoverboard with an IP54 rating can withstand water spray from any angle.

However, riding through puddles is not a good idea, because then, you are exposing the motor of your board to water. Light rain from above falling onto the body of your hoverboard, shouldn't cause too many problems though.

So, if you are out riding and there is some light rain it's not a problem, but if the heavens open and it is very wet, it would be wise to dismount and put your hoverboard in its carry case.

Wet grass, mud and wet sand should be avoided too and you shouldn't ride in very wet conditions or fully submerge the hoverboard in water.

It's important to remember that your hoverboard is a piece of electrical equipment that runs off a battery and full water immersion could cause damage that might prove expensive to repair.

And remember, hoverboards are not built to withstand extreme weather conditions such as snow, ice and hail.

Which are the most waterproof hoverboards?

Some hoverboards are more water resistant than others and have an IPX4 rating, which means that the hoverboard is protected from splashes at any angle for at least 5 minutes. These tend to be the all terrain hoverboards that can be ridden over a range of surfaces due to their inflatable, 10" wheels.

What about cleaning my hoverboard?

When cleaning a hoverboard, wipe it using a clean damp cloth. Treat your hoverboard with the same care you would a laptop or smartphone. After riding in damp conditions, wipe it down with a dry cloth and store in a clean, well ventilated and dry area.

What if my hoverboard gets really wet?

Of course, there will be days when you set off in full sunshine, only to find the weather turns and your hoverboard gets a soaking. If this happens, turn the hoverboard off as quickly as possible. When you get home, disconnect the battery and carefully clean any dirty parts by rubbing an ear bud dipped in alcohol over them gently when they are fully dried.

Dry the chassis of your hoverboard with a paper towel and make sure you pay attention to the tips of the cables. If your board got very wet, leave it open and empty for at least 24 hours to ensure that all the water has evaporated.

When all the parts have tried, reassemble the board, make sure all the connections are secure and power it up to make sure it still works.

If your hoverboard isn't working due to water damage, then contact an expert such as Official Hoverboard.