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10 cool tricks to do on a hoverboard

You have a hoverboard, you’ve learned to ride it like a demon, what next? Tricks, that’s what. There are lots of cool tricks you can do on a hoverboard and here are 10 of them to try out:

  1. Pavement spin – find a patch of pavement with two crossovers spaced apart. Ride over one and keep one wheel on the pavement and the other on the road. Go along like this at a tilt and when you get to the next crossover, perform a 360-degree turn.
  2. Ride a ramp – find a ramp, like the kind you’d see at a skateboard park. It may look easy, but riding up the slope on one side and down the other, takes a lot of concentration and skill as it’s much harder than it would be on a conventional skateboard.
  3. Backwards ramp – ride up a ramp and then when you reach the top, allow yourself to be pulled backwards by gravity. Again, this sounds a lot easier than it actually is.
  4. Half turn – to change direction on your hoverboard, put your weight on one foot and perform a 180-degree turn.
  5. Running jump – don’t try this one if you are a beginner and always wear a helmet. Position your hoverboard on flat ground, and mount it using a running jump. As soon as you land on the board, propel yourself forward.
  6. Squat spin – sit on your haunches and grip either side of your hoverboard with your hands. Shift your weight to one side to perform a spin. You can let go of the board once you have a bit of momentum. See how many times you can turn!
  7. Ride a wall – you may have seen cyclists or skateboards ride a wall at speed. Sometimes they go so fast, they are almost horizontal to the wall. You won’t get the same kind of momentum on a hoverboard, but you can ride a wall – make sure it isn’t too steep. The wall of death wasn’t built for a hoverboard!
  8. Keepy uppies – if you really want to test your balance or improve it on a hoverboard, try doing keepy uppies with a football. Use one legt to control the ball and the other to balance on the hoverboard. This takes quite a bit of skill, but looks cool when you can pull it off. It’s fun too. It’s a great trick to do as a competition with friends. You’ll get better at it the more you practice.
  9. Catch a ball – once you’ve mastered keepy uppies, try catching a football with your knees. Get a mate to throw the ball to your knee height and then clasp it tight and ride off. If you really want to show off, kick the ball in the air and balance it on the back of your neck, or throw it into a basket hoop – but make sure you score as it will ruin the moment if you don’t.
  10. Lean – you have to lean backwards and forwards to move your hoverboard, but try seeing how far you can push it. You can actually lean forwards quite a bit before you lose balance. Always wear a helmet when you try this and work up to your lean slowly.